Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Catching Up and Getting Started

I have been my kids hugest fan for just about as long as they have been.  I have made compromises and choices based on them.  I want the best for my kids, I love the coolest stuff, and I am challenged with having to find bargains or maybe even last seasons "cool clothes" to do this.  Heck why not shop at Walmart.  I spend more money on their cheap bargains and replacing everything constantly it is not funny and in this small town that is the only place left to shop.  Everyone else is ran out.

I constantly get asked about my kids clothes and other cool stuff I find online.  Why not share this I thought.  Then my E-commerce class got me really motivated.  I am designing a free web site and of course the host of this is going to have adds, but I feel like, everyone can weed through a few adds, if it means making some good decisions when shopping.

I currently live in a ghetto type area if you can consider any rural are to have a ghetto.  Well where I live would be it.  I have dealt with many issues I just would have rather bi-passed totally in life.  Life had other plans for me.  I have represented my self in several legal battles.  When the cops come out here....no witnesses are questioned, no one has a chance, everyone is going to jail.  I cant wait till graduation and being one step closer to getting out of here.  I chose to come her because in a small town rural Iowa you never expect the things that are going on to be going on.  In fact I think it is worse because it is a small town!

My kids and I have many  interest, hobbies, and we would like to share them.  Those things that require a purchase or two to be involved in we are bringing to you at a great price on the web site....fingers crossed and we hope.  I am affiliated with a few companies but for the most part....where I find the greatest stuff....no affiliates are working.  So enjoy.  Read because I have lots of catching up to do on posting as a parent as well as the current life and love having an audience that I hope I can interest, or help in some way.
I apologize for my spelling and punctuation....this hour of night has me feeling ready to fall asleep.  Feeling a bit old these days.  At least my homework is done=D